

The protection of sensitive data and information is a central challenge in the digitalization of companies. While the topic of security is directly considered in many areas of public life, small and medium-sized companies often do not sufficiently protect the digital gateways due to the complexity of the topic. Also, financial savings due to damage not incurred and a return on investment are not measurable, which means that economic benefits cannot be derived directly.

Advantages of a good cybersecurity management are reduced threat from malware, the protection of internal company know-how and higher customer satisfaction as well as trust.

In addition to investments in software and hardware, the role of employees in the area of IT security is of central importance. It is therefore important to sensitize employees sufficiently to enable them to handle IT systems competently and, in the event of a security risk, to report the incident directly to the relevant departments of the company.

This is where DataSkills4SME offers you support via innovative e-Learning measures to make your company more secure.



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The project “DataSkills4SMEs” is co-financed by the ERASMUS+ Programme, KA3 Forward Looking Cooperation Project 2019-2022. The content of this site reflects only the authors’ views, i.e. that of the partners of the project DataSkills4SMEs. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.