Process Optimisation2020-04-27T12:17:52+02:00

Process Optimisation

Direct efficiency gains can be achieved by introducing digital solutions into value-added processes. Better and more flexible planning of business processes can save resources and improve communication with customers, employees and business partners.

The advantages of using digital solutions like CRM-systems or ERP-systems for process optimisation include saving of resources, simplified customer communication and long-term increase in efficiency.

In addition to the financial investment in technical solutions, the willingness of employees to use them is a key success factor during the introduction. Involving them as actual end users as early as the planning, analysis and testing phases can provide a decisive advantage in later acceptance.

To make these transformation processes easier, DataSkills4SME aims to support your company via innovative e-Learning measures to gain efficiency.



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The project “DataSkills4SMEs” is co-financed by the ERASMUS+ Programme, KA3 Forward Looking Cooperation Project 2019-2022. The content of this site reflects only the authors’ views, i.e. that of the partners of the project DataSkills4SMEs. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.